Functional programming
& purrr

Lecture 08

Dr. Colin Rundel

Functional Programming

Functions as objects

We have mentioned in passing that in R functions are treated as 1st class objects (like vectors), meaning they can be assigned names, stored in lists, etc.

f = function(x) {

[1] 4
g = f

[1] 4
l = list(f = f, g = g)

[1] 9
[1] 16
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): attempt to apply non-function

Functions as arguments

We can pass in functions as arguments to other functions,

do_calc = function(v, func) {
do_calc(1:3, sum)
[1] 6
do_calc(1:3, mean)
[1] 2
do_calc(1:3, sd)
[1] 1

Anonymous functions

These are short functions that are created without ever assigning a name,

function(x) {x+1}
function(x) {x+1}
(function(y) {y-1})(10)
[1] 9

this can be particularly helpful for implementing certain types of tasks,

integrate(function(x) x, 0, 1)
0.5 with absolute error < 5.6e-15
integrate(function(x) x^2-2*x+1, 0, 1)
0.3333333 with absolute error < 3.7e-15

Base R anonymous function (lambda) shorthand

Along with the base pipe (|>), R v4.1.0 introduced a shortcut for anonymous functions using \(),

(\(x) {1+x})(1:5)
[1] 2 3 4 5 6
(\(x) x^2)(10)
[1] 100
integrate(\(x) sin(x)^2, 0, 1)
0.2726756 with absolute error < 3e-15

Use of this with the base pipe helps avoid the need for _, e.g.

data.frame(x = runif(10), y = runif(10)) |>
  {\(d) lm(y~x, data = d)}()

lm(formula = y ~ x, data = d)

(Intercept)            x  
     0.3817       0.2145  

apply (base R)

Apply functions

The apply functions are a collection of tools for functional programming in base R, they are variations of the map function found in many other languages and apply a function over the elements of an input (vector).


## Help files with alias or concept or title matching ‘apply’ using fuzzy
## matching:
## base::apply             Apply Functions Over Array Margins
## base::.subset           Internal Objects in Package 'base'
## base::by                Apply a Function to a Data Frame Split by Factors
## base::eapply            Apply a Function Over Values in an Environment
## base::lapply            Apply a Function over a List or Vector (Aliases: lapply, sapply, vapply)
## base::mapply            Apply a Function to Multiple List or Vector Arguments
## base::rapply            Recursively Apply a Function to a List
## base::tapply            Apply a Function Over a Ragged Array


Usage: lapply(X, FUN, ...)

lapply returns a list of the same length as X, each element of which is the result of applying FUN to the corresponding element of X.

lapply(1:8, sqrt) |> 
List of 8
 $ : num 1
 $ : num 1.41
 $ : num 1.73
 $ : num 2
 $ : num 2.24
 $ : num 2.45
 $ : num 2.65
 $ : num 2.83
lapply(1:8, function(x) (x+1)^2) |> 
List of 8
 $ : num 4
 $ : num 9
 $ : num 16
 $ : num 25
 $ : num 36
 $ : num 49
 $ : num 64
 $ : num 81

Argument matching

lapply(1:8, function(x, pow) x^pow, pow=3) |> 
List of 8
 $ : num 1
 $ : num 8
 $ : num 27
 $ : num 64
 $ : num 125
 $ : num 216
 $ : num 343
 $ : num 512
lapply(1:8, function(x, pow) x^pow, x=2) |> 
List of 8
 $ : num 2
 $ : num 4
 $ : num 8
 $ : num 16
 $ : num 32
 $ : num 64
 $ : num 128
 $ : num 256


Usage: sapply(X, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE)

sapply is a user-friendly version and wrapper of lapply, it is a simplifying version of lapply. Whenever possible it will return a vector, matrix, or an array.

sapply(1:8, sqrt)
[1] 1.000000 1.414214 1.732051 2.000000 2.236068 2.449490 2.645751 2.828427
sapply(1:8, function(x) (x+1)^2)
[1]  4  9 16 25 36 49 64 81
sapply(1:8, function(x) c(x, x^2, x^3))
     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8]
[1,]    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8
[2,]    1    4    9   16   25   36   49   64
[3,]    1    8   27   64  125  216  343  512

Legnth mismatch?

sapply(1:6, seq) |> str()
List of 6
 $ : int 1
 $ : int [1:2] 1 2
 $ : int [1:3] 1 2 3
 $ : int [1:4] 1 2 3 4
 $ : int [1:5] 1 2 3 4 5
 $ : int [1:6] 1 2 3 4 5 6
lapply(1:6, seq) |> str()
List of 6
 $ : int 1
 $ : int [1:2] 1 2
 $ : int [1:3] 1 2 3
 $ : int [1:4] 1 2 3 4
 $ : int [1:5] 1 2 3 4 5
 $ : int [1:6] 1 2 3 4 5 6

Type mismatch?

l = list(a = 1:3, b = 4:6, c = 7:9, d = list(10, 11, "A"))
sapply(l, function(x) x[1]) |> str()
List of 4
 $ a: int 1
 $ b: int 4
 $ c: int 7
 $ d: num 10
sapply(l, function(x) x[[1]]) |> str()
 Named num [1:4] 1 4 7 10
 - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:4] "a" "b" "c" "d"
sapply(l, function(x) x[[3]]) |> str()
 Named chr [1:4] "3" "6" "9" "A"
 - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:4] "a" "b" "c" "d"

*apply and data frames

We can use these functions with data frames, the key is to remember that a data frame is just a fancy list.

df = data.frame(
  a = 1:6, 
  b = letters[1:6], 
  c = c(TRUE,FALSE)
lapply(df, class) |> str()
List of 3
 $ a: chr "integer"
 $ b: chr "character"
 $ c: chr "logical"
sapply(df, class)
          a           b           c 
  "integer" "character"   "logical" 

A more useful example

Some sources of data (e.g. some US government agencies) will encode missing values with -999, if want to replace these with NAs lapply is not a bad choice.

d = tibble::tribble(
  ~patient_id, ~age,  ~bp,  ~o2,
            1,   32,  110,   97,
            2,   27,  100,   95,
            3,   56,  125, -999,
            4,   19, -999, -999,
            5,   65, -999,   99
fix_missing = function(x) {
  x[x == -999] = NA
lapply(d, fix_missing)
[1] 1 2 3 4 5

[1] 32 27 56 19 65

[1] 110 100 125  NA  NA

[1] 97 95 NA NA 99
lapply(d, fix_missing) |>
# A tibble: 5 × 4
  patient_id   age    bp    o2
       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1          1    32   110    97
2          2    27   100    95
3          3    56   125    NA
4          4    19    NA    NA
5          5    65    NA    99

dplyr alternative

dplyr is also a viable option here using the across() helper,

d |>
# A tibble: 5 × 4
  patient_id   age    bp    o2
       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1          1    32   110    97
2          2    27   100    95
3          3    56   125    NA
4          4    19    NA    NA
5          5    65    NA    99
d |>
# A tibble: 5 × 4
  patient_id   age    bp    o2
       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1          1    32   110    97
2          2    27   100    95
3          3    56   125    NA
4          4    19    NA    NA
5          5    65    NA    99

other less common apply functions

  • apply() - applies a function over the rows or columns of a data frame, matrix or array

  • vapply() - is similar to sapply, but has a enforced return type and size

  • mapply() - like sapply but will iterate over multiple vectors at the same time.

  • rapply() - a recursive version of lapply, behavior depends largely on the how argument

  • eapply() - apply a function over an environment.

Map functions

Basic functions for looping over objects and returning a value (of a specific type) - replacement for lapply/sapply/vapply.

  • map() - returns a list, equivalent to lapply()

  • map_lgl() - returns a logical vector.

  • map_int() - returns a integer vector.

  • map_dbl() - returns a double vector.

  • map_chr() - returns a character vector.

  • walk() - returns nothing, used for side effects

Type Consistency

R is a weakly / dynamically typed language which means there is no syntactic way to define a function which enforces argument or return types. This flexibility can be useful at times, but often it makes it hard to reason about your code and requires more verbose code to handle edge cases.

x = list(rnorm(1e3), rnorm(1e3), rnorm(1e3))
map_dbl(x, mean)
[1]  0.02809283  0.04633194 -0.03583281
map_chr(x, mean)
[1] "0.028093"  "0.046332"  "-0.035833"
map_int(x, mean)
Error in `map_int()`:
ℹ In index: 1.
Caused by error:
! Can't coerce from a number to an integer.
map(x, mean) |> str()
List of 3
 $ : num 0.0281
 $ : num 0.0463
 $ : num -0.0358
lapply(x, mean) |> str()
List of 3
 $ : num 0.0281
 $ : num 0.0463
 $ : num -0.0358

Working with Data Frames

purrr offers the functions map_dfr and map_dfc (which were superseded as of v1.0.0) - these allow for the construction of a data frame by row or by column respectively.

d = tibble::tribble(
  ~patient_id, ~age,  ~bp,  ~o2,
            1,   32,  110,   97,
            2,   27,  100,   95,
            3,   56,  125, -999,
            4,   19, -999, -999,
            5,   65, -999,   99
fix_missing = function(x) {
  x[x == -999] = NA
purrr::map_dfc(d, fix_missing)
# A tibble: 5 × 4
  patient_id   age    bp    o2
       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1          1    32   110    97
2          2    27   100    95
3          3    56   125    NA
4          4    19    NA    NA
5          5    65    NA    99
purrr::map(d, fix_missing) |> 
# A tibble: 5 × 4
  patient_id   age    bp    o2
       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1          1    32   110    97
2          2    27   100    95
3          3    56   125    NA
4          4    19    NA    NA
5          5    65    NA    99

Building by row

map(sw_people, function(x) x[1:5]) |> bind_rows()
# A tibble: 87 × 5
   name               height mass  hair_color    skin_color 
   <chr>              <chr>  <chr> <chr>         <chr>      
 1 Luke Skywalker     172    77    blond         fair       
 2 C-3PO              167    75    n/a           gold       
 3 R2-D2              96     32    n/a           white, blue
 4 Darth Vader        202    136   none          white      
 5 Leia Organa        150    49    brown         light      
 6 Owen Lars          178    120   brown, grey   light      
 7 Beru Whitesun lars 165    75    brown         light      
 8 R5-D4              97     32    n/a           white, red 
 9 Biggs Darklighter  183    84    black         light      
10 Obi-Wan Kenobi     182    77    auburn, white fair       
# ℹ 77 more rows
map(sw_people, function(x) x) |> bind_rows()
Error in `vctrs::data_frame()`:
! Can't recycle `name` (size 5) to match `vehicles` (size 2).

purrr style anonymous functions

purrr lets us write anonymous functions using one sided formulas where the argument is given by . or .x for map and related functions.

map_dbl(1:5, function(x) x/(x+1))
[1] 0.5000000 0.6666667 0.7500000 0.8000000 0.8333333
map_dbl(1:5, ~ ./(.+1))
[1] 0.5000000 0.6666667 0.7500000 0.8000000 0.8333333
map_dbl(1:5, ~ .x/(.x+1))
[1] 0.5000000 0.6666667 0.7500000 0.8000000 0.8333333

Generally, the latter option is preferred to avoid confusion with magrittr.

Multiargument anonymous functions

Functions with the map2 prefix work the same as the map prefixed functions but they iterate over two objects instead of one. Arguments for an anonymous function are given by .x and .y (or ..1 and ..2) respectively.

map2_dbl(1:5, 1:5, function(x,y) x / (y+1))
[1] 0.5000000 0.6666667 0.7500000 0.8000000 0.8333333
map2_dbl(1:5, 1:5, ~ .x/(.y+1))
[1] 0.5000000 0.6666667 0.7500000 0.8000000 0.8333333
map2_dbl(1:5, 1:5, ~ ..1/(..2+1))
[1] 0.5000000 0.6666667 0.7500000 0.8000000 0.8333333
map2_chr(LETTERS[1:5], letters[1:5], paste0)
[1] "Aa" "Bb" "Cc" "Dd" "Ee"


Very often we want to extract only certain values by name or position from a list, purrr provides a shorthand for this operation - instead of a function you can provide either a character or numeric vector, those values will be used to sequentially subset the elements being iterated.

purrr::map_chr(sw_people, "name") |> head()
[1] "Luke Skywalker" "C-3PO"          "R2-D2"          "Darth Vader"   
[5] "Leia Organa"    "Owen Lars"     
purrr::map_chr(sw_people, 1) |> head()
[1] "Luke Skywalker" "C-3PO"          "R2-D2"          "Darth Vader"   
[5] "Leia Organa"    "Owen Lars"     
purrr::map_chr(sw_people, list("films", 1)) |> head(n=10)
 [1] "" ""
 [3] "" ""
 [5] "" ""
 [7] "" ""
 [9] "" ""

Length coercion?

purrr::map_chr(sw_people, list("starships", 1))
Error in `purrr::map_chr()`:
ℹ In index: 2.
Caused by error:
! Result must be length 1, not 0.
[1] "C-3PO"
purrr::map_chr(sw_people, list("starships", 1), .default = NA) |> head()
[1] "" NA                                 
[3] NA                                  ""
[5] NA                                  NA                                 
purrr::map(sw_people, list("starships", 1)) |> head() |> str()
List of 6
 $ : chr ""
 $ : NULL
 $ : NULL
 $ : chr ""
 $ : NULL
 $ : NULL

list columns

(chars = tibble(
  name = purrr::map_chr(
    sw_people, "name"
  starships = purrr::map(
    sw_people, "starships"
# A tibble: 87 × 2
   name               starships
   <chr>              <list>   
 1 Luke Skywalker     <chr [2]>
 2 C-3PO              <NULL>   
 3 R2-D2              <NULL>   
 4 Darth Vader        <chr [1]>
 5 Leia Organa        <NULL>   
 6 Owen Lars          <NULL>   
 7 Beru Whitesun lars <NULL>   
 8 R5-D4              <NULL>   
 9 Biggs Darklighter  <chr [1]>
10 Obi-Wan Kenobi     <chr [5]>
# ℹ 77 more rows
chars |>
    n_starships = map_int(
      starships, length
# A tibble: 87 × 3
   name               starships n_starships
   <chr>              <list>          <int>
 1 Luke Skywalker     <chr [2]>           2
 2 C-3PO              <NULL>              0
 3 R2-D2              <NULL>              0
 4 Darth Vader        <chr [1]>           1
 5 Leia Organa        <NULL>              0
 6 Owen Lars          <NULL>              0
 7 Beru Whitesun lars <NULL>              0
 8 R5-D4              <NULL>              0
 9 Biggs Darklighter  <chr [1]>           1
10 Obi-Wan Kenobi     <chr [5]>           5
# ℹ 77 more rows


List columns and approximating pi


discog - purrr vs tidyr

Complex heirarchical data

Often we may encounter complex data structures where our goal is not to rectangle every value (which may not even be possible) but rather to rectangle a small subset of the data.

str(repurrrsive::discog, max.level = 3)
List of 155
 $ :List of 5
  ..$ instance_id      : int 354823933
  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-02-16T17:48:59-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
  .. ..$ labels      :List of 1
  .. ..$ year        : int 2015
  .. ..$ master_url  : NULL
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 1
  .. ..$ id          : int 7496378
  .. ..$ thumb       : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ title       : chr "Demo"
  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
  .. ..$ cover_image : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 7496378
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
  ..$ instance_id      : int 354092601
  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-02-13T14:13:11-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
  .. ..$ labels      :List of 1
  .. ..$ year        : int 2013
  .. ..$ master_url  : chr ""
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 1
  .. ..$ id          : int 4490852
  .. ..$ thumb       : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ title       : chr "Observant Com El Mon Es Destrueix"
  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
  .. ..$ cover_image : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 553057
  ..$ id               : int 4490852
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
  ..$ instance_id      : int 354091476
  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-02-13T14:07:23-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
  .. ..$ labels      :List of 1
  .. ..$ year        : int 2017
  .. ..$ master_url  : chr ""
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 1
  .. ..$ id          : int 9827276
  .. ..$ thumb       : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ title       : chr "I"
  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
  .. ..$ cover_image : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 1109943
  ..$ id               : int 9827276
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
  ..$ instance_id      : int 351244906
  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-02-02T11:39:58-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
  .. ..$ labels      :List of 3
  .. ..$ year        : int 2017
  .. ..$ master_url  : chr ""
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 1
  .. ..$ id          : int 9769203
  .. ..$ thumb       : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ title       : chr "Oído Absoluto"
  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
  .. ..$ cover_image : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 1128934
  ..$ id               : int 9769203
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
  ..$ instance_id      : int 351244801
  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-02-02T11:39:37-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
  .. ..$ labels      :List of 1
  .. ..$ year        : int 2015
  .. ..$ master_url  : chr ""
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 1
  .. ..$ id          : int 7237138
  .. ..$ thumb       : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ title       : chr "A Cat's Cause, No Dogs Problem"
  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
  .. ..$ cover_image : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 857592
  ..$ id               : int 7237138
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
  ..$ instance_id      : int 351052065
  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-02-01T20:40:53-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
  .. ..$ labels      :List of 1
  .. ..$ year        : int 2019
  .. ..$ master_url  : chr ""
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 1
  .. ..$ id          : int 13117042
  .. ..$ thumb       : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ title       : chr "Tashme"
  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
  .. ..$ cover_image : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 1498137
  ..$ id               : int 13117042
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
  ..$ instance_id      : int 350315345
  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-01-29T15:48:37-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
  .. ..$ labels      :List of 1
  .. ..$ year        : int 2014
  .. ..$ master_url  : chr ""
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 1
  .. ..$ id          : int 7113575
  .. ..$ thumb       : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ title       : chr "Demo"
  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
  .. ..$ cover_image : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 852880
  ..$ id               : int 7113575
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
  ..$ instance_id      : int 350315103
  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-01-29T15:47:22-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
  .. ..$ labels      :List of 1
  .. ..$ year        : int 2015
  .. ..$ master_url  : chr ""
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 1
  .. ..$ id          : int 10540713
  .. ..$ thumb       : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ title       : chr "Let The Miracles Begin"
  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
  .. ..$ cover_image : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 869410
  ..$ id               : int 10540713
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
  ..$ instance_id      : int 350314507
  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-01-29T15:44:08-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
  .. ..$ labels      :List of 1
  .. ..$ year        : int 2017
  .. ..$ master_url  : chr ""
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 1
  .. ..$ id          : int 11260950
  .. ..$ thumb       : chr ""
  .. ..$ title       : chr "Sub Space"
  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
  .. ..$ cover_image : chr ""
  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 1281224
  ..$ id               : int 11260950
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
  ..$ instance_id      : int 350314047
  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-01-29T15:41:35-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
  .. ..$ labels      :List of 1
  .. ..$ year        : int 2017
  .. ..$ master_url  : NULL
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 1
  .. ..$ id          : int 11726853
  .. ..$ thumb       : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ title       : chr "Demo"
  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
  .. ..$ cover_image : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 11726853
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
  ..$ instance_id      : int 350313874
  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-01-29T15:40:31-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
  .. ..$ labels      :List of 1
  .. ..$ year        : int 2015
  .. ..$ master_url  : NULL
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 1
  .. ..$ id          : int 12025267
  .. ..$ thumb       : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ title       : chr "Pines"
  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
  .. ..$ cover_image : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 12025267
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
  ..$ instance_id      : int 350313508
  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-01-29T15:38:14-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
  .. ..$ labels      :List of 1
  .. ..$ year        : int 2016
  .. ..$ master_url  : chr ""
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 1
  .. ..$ id          : int 8252472
  .. ..$ thumb       : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ title       : chr "Domo"
  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
  .. ..$ cover_image : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 972644
  ..$ id               : int 8252472
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
  ..$ instance_id      : int 350313380
  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-01-29T15:37:40-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
  .. ..$ labels      :List of 1
  .. ..$ year        : int 2017
  .. ..$ master_url  : NULL
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 1
  .. ..$ id          : int 9667355
  .. ..$ thumb       : chr ""| __truncated__
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  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 927900
  ..$ id               : int 7847097
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 1185520
  ..$ id               : int 10347810
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 975745
  ..$ id               : int 7949818
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 12075374
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 8137815
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
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  ..$ id               : int 8926338
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 1185733
  ..$ id               : int 10350103
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 870005
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  ..$ rating           : int 0
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 7454861
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 7441672
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 7339234
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 973090
  ..$ id               : int 8242408
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 9477305
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 709327
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
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  ..$ id               : int 4812535
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 888704
  ..$ id               : int 7506665
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  ..$ id               : int 4234761
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 987107
  ..$ id               : int 8767499
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  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 11011789
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  ..$ id               : int 9408223
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  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 11799478
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  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
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  .. ..$ master_id   : int 998214
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  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 6809387
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  .. ..$ master_id   : int 1148670
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  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 10347774
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 10631734
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  ..$ id               : int 9441156
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  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 11011923
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 10635731
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 5383038
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
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  ..$ rating           : int 0
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  .. ..$ master_url  : NULL
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  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
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 $ :List of 5
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 8630472
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 7587650
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 8414924
  ..$ rating           : int 0
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 11992539
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 1013570
  ..$ id               : int 8563279
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 882570
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 1183639
  ..$ id               : int 10329430
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 8948154
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 $ :List of 5
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 972643
  ..$ id               : int 8252512
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 7053100
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 11514667
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 $ :List of 5
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  .. ..$ master_url  : NULL
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 6022854
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 7018322
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 $ :List of 5
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  .. ..$ master_id   : int 43057
  ..$ id               : int 8988805
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  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 10529440
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 $ :List of 5
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  .. ..$ master_id   : int 39365
  ..$ id               : int 1875606
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  .. ..$ master_id   : int 5939
  ..$ id               : int 5174921
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 510739
  ..$ id               : int 3868107
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  .. ..$ master_id   : int 4264
  ..$ id               : int 10081218
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 $ :List of 5
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 20975
  ..$ id               : int 11988356
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 53856
  ..$ id               : int 391325
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 $ :List of 5
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 53856
  ..$ id               : int 9035150
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 333197
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 $ :List of 5
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 719793
  ..$ id               : int 9721148
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 1313083
  ..$ id               : int 11548953
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 $ :List of 5
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 1392598
  ..$ id               : int 11390065
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
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  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-01-29T11:23:42-08:00"
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 11514226
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
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  .. ..$ master_url  : NULL
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 9956517
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
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  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-01-29T11:17:49-08:00"
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  .. ..$ master_url  : NULL
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 1
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 7983566
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
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  .. ..$ master_url  : chr ""
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 991904
  ..$ id               : int 8435767
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 $ :List of 5
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  .. ..$ master_url  : chr ""
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 993840
  ..$ id               : int 7506935
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
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  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-01-29T11:16:24-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
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  .. ..$ master_url  : NULL
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 2
  .. ..$ id          : int 7977493
  .. ..$ thumb       : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ title       : chr "Big Bag Split "
  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
  .. ..$ cover_image : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 7977493
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
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  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-01-29T11:14:52-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
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  .. ..$ year        : int 1987
  .. ..$ master_url  : chr ""
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 1
  .. ..$ id          : int 4337582
  .. ..$ thumb       : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ title       : chr "Louder Than Bombs"
  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
  .. ..$ cover_image : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 20975
  ..$ id               : int 4337582
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
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  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-01-29T11:13:51-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
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  .. ..$ master_url  : chr ""
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 1
  .. ..$ id          : int 6840169
  .. ..$ thumb       : chr ""
  .. ..$ title       : chr "Sheer Mag"
  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
  .. ..$ cover_image : chr ""
  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 816045
  ..$ id               : int 6840169
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
  ..$ instance_id      : int 350250880
  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-01-29T11:13:38-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
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  .. ..$ year        : int 2017
  .. ..$ master_url  : NULL
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 1
  .. ..$ id          : int 11967072
  .. ..$ thumb       : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ title       : chr "Pleather"
  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
  .. ..$ cover_image : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 11967072
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
  ..$ instance_id      : int 350250829
  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-01-29T11:13:26-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
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  .. ..$ master_url  : NULL
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 1
  .. ..$ id          : int 11406918
  .. ..$ thumb       : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ title       : chr "Demo 2017: The Savage Season Continues"
  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
  .. ..$ cover_image : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 11406918
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
  ..$ instance_id      : int 350250392
  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-01-29T11:11:37-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
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  .. ..$ master_url  : chr ""
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 1
  .. ..$ id          : int 8716048
  .. ..$ thumb       : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ title       : chr "Demo II: Demolition"
  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
  .. ..$ cover_image : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 1022491
  ..$ id               : int 8716048
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
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  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-01-29T11:11:15-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
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  .. ..$ master_url  : chr ""
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 1
  .. ..$ id          : int 7872463
  .. ..$ thumb       : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ title       : chr "Firewalker"
  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 931450
  ..$ id               : int 7872463
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
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  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-01-29T11:09:44-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
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  .. ..$ master_url  : chr ""
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 1
  .. ..$ id          : int 9367350
  .. ..$ thumb       : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ title       : chr "I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning"
  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
  .. ..$ cover_image : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 3010
  ..$ id               : int 9367350
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
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  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-01-29T09:49:48-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
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  .. ..$ master_url  : chr ""
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 1
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  .. ..$ title       : chr "The Execution Of All Things"
  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 114440
  ..$ id               : int 5411566
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
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  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-01-29T09:49:00-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
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  .. ..$ master_url  : NULL
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 1
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  .. ..$ thumb       : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ title       : chr "Hard Coming Down"
  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 0
  ..$ id               : int 4465008
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
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  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-01-29T09:48:10-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
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  .. ..$ master_url  : chr ""
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 2
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  .. ..$ thumb       : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ title       : chr "Discography"
  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 568505
  ..$ id               : int 2708889
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
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  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-01-29T09:47:45-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
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  .. ..$ master_url  : chr ""
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 1
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  .. ..$ thumb       : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ title       : chr "Set It Off"
  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 245859
  ..$ id               : int 13020644
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
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  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-01-29T09:47:04-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
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  .. ..$ master_url  : chr ""
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 1
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  .. ..$ thumb       : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ title       : chr "Dear God, I Hate Myself"
  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 228208
  ..$ id               : int 2138452
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
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  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-01-29T09:45:26-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
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  .. ..$ master_url  : chr ""
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 2
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  .. ..$ title       : chr "Merzxiu"
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 1323130
  ..$ id               : int 6850381
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
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  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-01-29T09:45:13-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
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  .. ..$ master_url  : chr ""
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 1
  .. ..$ id          : int 6487988
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  .. ..$ title       : chr "Vexx"
  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 709327
  ..$ id               : int 6487988
  ..$ rating           : int 0
 $ :List of 5
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  ..$ date_added       : chr "2019-01-29T09:44:47-08:00"
  ..$ basic_information:List of 11
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  .. ..$ master_url  : chr ""
  .. ..$ artists     :List of 3
  .. ..$ id          : int 5695822
  .. ..$ thumb       : chr ""| __truncated__
  .. ..$ title       : chr "USA '13"
  .. ..$ formats     :List of 1
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  .. ..$ resource_url: chr ""
  .. ..$ master_id   : int 687939
  ..$ id               : int 5695822
  ..$ rating           : int 0
  [list output truncated]